Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook

  • Author   :  Christopher C. Tisdell
  • ISBN     :  978-87-7681-961-3
  • Edition  :  1 edition
  • Pages    :  114 pages
  • Price    :  Free
The new ebook "Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook” takes learning to a new level by combining free written lessons with free online video tutorials. Each section within the workbook is linked to a video lesson on YouTube where the author discusses and solves problems step-by-step.

The combination of written text with interactive video offers a high degree of learning flexibility by enabling the student to take control of the pace of their learning delivery. For example, key mathematical concepts can be reinforced or more deeply considered by rewinding or pausing the video. Due to these learning materials being freely available online, students can access them at a time and geographical location that suits their needs.

Author, Dr Chris Tisdell, is a mathematician at UNSW, Sydney and a YouTube Partner in Education. He is passionate about free educational resources. Chris' YouTube mathematics videos have enjoyed a truly global reach, being seen by learners in every country on earth.

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